Internal Documents


Promotion and Tenure

The department’s evaluation policy for promotion and tenure can be found here .

Outcomes Assessment

The Computer Science department is committed to provide the best learning experience to students. The purpose of outcomes assessment is to produce feedback on student learning to allow the department to improve its programs.

Rubric for undergraduate program (BS in CS) assessment.

Rubric for graduate program (MS in CS) assessment (Updated July 27, 2021).

To get a copy of outcome assessment report for BS in CS or MS in CS program please e-mail CS office at .

Departmental Forms


Policies & Procedures

Problems and Complaints

If you have a problem you would like to sort out or a complaint to make, with regard to the department’s graduate program, examinations, procedures and so on, you are strongly encouraged to consult an appropriate member of the faculty. Of course, you will typically want to talk about it with other students, but please be aware that in the past some graduate students have received seriously wrong impressions or advice through relying entirely on other students.

It’s usually best to talk first with your Advisor. It’s also a good idea to consult the graduate student who is currently designated the Graduate Student Representative to the faculty (typically, this person is the same as the President of the CS Graduate Students Organization). The next step is probably to talk to the Graduate Committee Chair. Part of the function of this committee is to help you with problems.

Finally, if none of these avenues takes you anywhere useful, you are encouraged to speak to the Department Head.

Normally you should exhaust the help the department can provide before consulting other bodies in the university. The immediate next level is the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.

Straightforward procedural questions should be taken first to the department office personnel.

Office Space

The department typically assigns shared office space to students who are supported by Teaching or Research Assistantships. Office space will be granted based on demand and availability. Students are required to return office keys at the end of each semester.