Groups & Labs

Interdisciplinary Center of Research Excellence in Design of Intelligent Technologies for Smart Grids (iCREDITS)

The CREST Interdisciplinary Center of Research Excellence in Design of Intelligent Technologies for Smart Grids (iCREDITS) was established at New Mexico State University in 2014, with a grant awarded from the National Science Foundation. It is a center that brings together experts in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, management, and education. Its goal is to serve as a new epicenter for research and training in smart grids.

Co-Directors: Enrico Pontelli and Satish Ranade

Bioinformatics Research Lab

The bioinformatics research lab develops efficient computational and statistical methods to model mechanisms of complex biological systems. They rigorously evaluate both theoretical and practical effectiveness of computational methods for characterizing molecular interactions from high-throughput measurements such as next generation sequencing data. The lab’s long term goal is to invent advanced computational technology to expedite quantitative understanding of the complexity of life processes.

Director: Joe Song

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Research Lab

The Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) research lab aims at advancing techniques for the effective management and analysis of complex data (e.g., sequence data, graph data, semi-structured data). The laboratory conducts research in modeling, storing, querying, and mining large amount of complex data at both theory and application levels. The laboratory keeps active collaborations with scientists from other Computer Science areas and scientific disciplines to broaden the usage of data management and data mining techniques. The laboratory is located in Science Hall, Rm. 153.

Director: Huiping Cao

Knowledge Representation, Logic, and Advanced Programming (KLAP) Lab

The Knowledge Representation, Logic, and Advanced Programming (KLAP) lab was created in 1994 to support research in the areas of logic and constraint programming, knowledge representation, and parallel processing. The mission of the KLAP lab is to conduct cutting edge research in the above areas, with emphasis on practical application of research outcomes in a local and inter-disciplinary context. The laboratory is also dedicated to the active involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in research activities, with particular attention to the training of students belonging to traditionally under-represented groups.

Directors: Enrico Pontelli and Son Tran

Networks and Systems Optimization Lab (NSOL)

The Networks and Systems Optimization Lab (NSOL), a research lab in the Department of Computer Science at New Mexico State University, focuses on addressing both the theoretical and practical aspects of optimization of networks and systems. Our vision is to design comprehensive solutions that apply in real-world settings.

Director: Satyajayant Misra

Cryptography, Privacy and Security Research (CrySPR)

The Cryptography Security and Privacy Research (CrySPR) lab is a research lab located in the Computer Science Department at NMSU. The CrySPR lab was established in 2019, and is headed by Dr. Roopa Vishwanathan . The lab's research focuses mainly on security, privacy, and on theoretical and applied aspects of cryptography. Our recent work focuses on applying cryptographic protocols in blockchain and Layer-2 mechanisms such as payment channel networks.

Director: Roopa Vishwanathan

Programming Languages, Environments, and Software Engineering (PLEASE) Lab

The PLEASE lab is organized around research in software engineering, and programming languages and environments.

Director: Jonathan Cook

Private, Resilient, and Secure Machinery (PRISM) Research Lab

The PRISM Research Lab, part of the Department of Computer Science at New Mexico State University, conducts research in security, privacy, and resilience in networks and distributed systems. The lab focuses on enhancing trust, security, and privacy in cyber-physical systems and edge computing systems, covering domains such as smart grids, embedded systems, mobile computing, wireless sensor networks, and applications in blockchain and decentralized finance.

Director: Gaurav Panwar