Graduate Degrees

The links below go to the most recent information on the graduate degrees offered by the Computer Science Department. The online application form for the 5-year dual B.S. + M.S. is available [ here ].

NMSU’s online catalogs can be found here and has all of the degree requirement specifics. 

Doctoral Degrees

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science
  • Computer Science may also be a component in an Interdisciplinary Doctorate
  • Submit your application at the graduate school (Button “Apply To Graduate School”)

Expected milestones of the PhD study:

  1. Pass the qualifying exams by the end of your 1st year of enrollment (unless you must complete deficiency courses)
  2. Create a web page that shows a full official CV that lists cumulative publications and other related academic information by the end of the first year. Update this CV every year.
  3. Identify a thesis advisor within one semester of passing qualifying exams.
  4. Form a thesis committee within one year of passing qualifying exams.
  5. Meet with your committee members at least once per year.
  6. Publish high quality conference and journal papers during your PhD study.
  7. Complete your comprehensive exam (a reasonable time frame is 3 to 4 years since first enrollment).
  8. Defend your thesis (a reasonable time frame is 4 to 6 years since first enrollment).

Master’s Degrees
