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Western Data Hub Director Visit

NSF has established four regional data hubs (Midwest, Northeast, South, and West) in 2015 through the Big Data Regional Innovation Hub program (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15562/nsf15562.htm). The BD Hubs are to support the breadth of interested local stakeholders within their respective regions, while members of a BD Hub should strive to achieve common Big Data goals that would not be possible for the independent members to achieve alone. Each BD Hub is a consortium of members from academia, industry, and government and non-government organizations.

Following the establishment of the data hubs, NSF announced the Big Data Spokes (BD Spokes) opportunities early 2016 (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16510/nsf16510.htm). This BD Spokes solicitation extends the BD Hubs network by establishing multi-institutional and multi-sector collaborations (i.e., across academia, industry, government, non-profits, etc.) focused on topics of specific interest to a given region, which build upon the capabilities and strengths of said region.

As a part of the Western Big Data Innovation Hub (WBDIH, http://westbigdatahub.org/), NMSU will be hosting the visit of the WBDIH Director on Oct 13-14 (Thursday, Friday). Through this meeting, you will have the opportunity to learn from the WBDIH Director about the big data activities that the hub is supporting, such as status/activities of the hub, creating connections through the hub, and getting more information about the BD Spokes call. It will also give the Director an opportunity to learn from us what big data research/application we the stakeholders in the region are involved in, and the resources we would need to make us more effective.

We foresee that most sessions will be topic-centered smaller group meetings. We have tentatively identified three topic areas: general big data, big data in biology, and big data in energy as the topics of discussion. The tentative agenda of the meeting is as follows:

October 13:
9:00am-9:10am Welcome
9:20am-10:30am Small group meeting with the hub director (topic: water/general big data)
10:30am-12:00pm Hub director presentation and roundtable (Hub director presentation and discussions)
12:00pm-1:15pm lunch
1:30pm-3:00pm Small group meeting with the hub director (topic: big data in energy)
3:30pm-5:00pm Small group meeting with the hub director (topic: big data in biology)

October 14:
9:00am-10:30am Small group meeting with the hub director (topic: misc)
10:40am-12:10pm Roundtable meeting (topic: next steps and path forward)
Afternoon TBD

Please feel free to send us feedback on other topics of relevance.


The presentation slides from the Hub Director can be downloaded as a PDF.

Please contact Dr. Huiping Cao (hcao AT cs DOT nmsu DOT edu) for any inquiries about this meeting.