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#GivingTuesday for NMSU Computer Science

NMSU is encouraging participation in another Giving Tuesday event, this year it is November 29, 2106. Stay Tuned!

2015 Content Below Here – ignore for now!

NMSU has instituted a challenge match for December 1, Giving Tuesday, which is a worldwide idea for promoting giving instead of buying (as Black Friday and Cyber Monday do). The NMSU Foundation will match dollar for dollar any gift made on Giving Tuesday to scholarships. This is an AWESOME opportunity to increase our departmental scholarship funds!

I encourage all of you to take this opportunity to give back to NMSU and our department. Your gift will double and have a great impact on our scholarship funds. Any size gift will be appreciated — if 100 students gave $10 each, that would cause $2,000 to be added to our scholarship funds!

You can visit http://artsci.nmsu.edu/en/giving/giving-tuesday and select our department to see a list of scholarships to contribute to that would benefit our department. You can view the list early, but on Giving Tuesday, December 1, the site will allow you to click through and reach a donate page for the selected scholarship.

The scholarships with a fund ID beginning with “98” are endowed scholarships, meaning gifts go to the principal of the fund and scholarships are granted from the interest. Scholarships with a fund ID beginning with “10” are current use funds, where gifts will be directly used for scholarships and no balance is required to be maintained. You can give to any fund, but I would encourage you to focus on the endowed scholarships, because your gift will continue to have impact for a long time. All of our endowed scholarships are important, valued, and appreciated, but if you have no idea which one to choose, the Mark Nesiba scholarship (982561) is one that we would like to increase its endowment, and the J. Mack Adams scholarship (982578) is named after (and started by) one of our department’s founders and so is considered a keystone scholarship in our department.