nmsu Department Head Challenges CS Undergrads Skip to main content

Department Head Challenges CS Undergrads

Jonathan Cook, the Interim Department Head of Computer Science, issued the following challenge to all CS undergraduate students:

“I believe CS students could, if they were willing, achieve total success on any given class exam. I know students often have to make choices about where to put their effort, but I truly believe it’s possible for all of them to do great work. So here’s my challenge. In any CS course with at least 12 CS majors, if the CS majors all score an A on an exam I will dye my hair the color of their choosing, provided that: 1) the exam is an in-class exam; and 2) the exam counts for at least 25% of the exam portion of the coursework. This simply means it is not a take-home exam and that it is not a quiz but really is “exam sized”. The instructor is the one who determines what an A is, but they have to apply that determination to the final course grading, so I trust them to uphold the academic integrity of their course. Bring on the color!”