nmsu NMSU CS Student Places 8th Worldwide in the Vox Codei Programming Contest Skip to main content

NMSU CS Student Places 8th Worldwide in the Vox Codei Programming Contest

NMSU CS senior Jonathan Beck, going by his gamer alias, JooDoc, placed 8th overall in CodinGame’s Vox Codei programming competition. In this global, on-the-web competition, Jonathan was the first ever American to make it into the top 10, beating out 673 others who made it to the end. A total of 1,313 entered the contest worldwide. In addition, Jonathan took first place in the C++ sub-group.

Vox Codei presents students with game-like problems to solve using their programming language of choice. For example, the first task shows a stationary science-fiction-style cannon and the player must program it to shoot down enemy spacecraft that are approaching it as efficiently as possible using console input / output. Players are given a program stub, a scenario, and a set of test cases, and must complete as many test cases as possible by writing efficient code to control various game elements.

Written by: Zach Toups
December 10, 2014